Australia’s Best and Only Avocado Festival on the East Coast!
Blackbutt Avocado Festival
Save the date!
» 9th September 2023
The countdown is on!
Food, Music, Stalls, & fun!

Get Involved

Program & Visitor Info

Thank You to Our Sponsors!
Australia’s Best & Only Avocado Festival
Come enjoy a fun family day celebrating the Bloomin’ Beautiful Blackbutt and the delicious Avocados the region produces.
There will be entertainment all day for young and old, compete in the Avo-Toss, enjoy live music, watch cooking demonstrations on how to perfectly cook avocados, take in woodchop competitions and so much more. There is something for everyone at the Blackbutt Avocado Festival.

Headlining Events

Avocado Roll
The signature event of the Blackbutt Avocado Festival involves rolling an avocado down a 35m long rough grass course.

Avocado Drop
Buy a Cup (Write your name and phone number on it) and place it on the giant Avo Joe template on the arena of the Blackbutt Showgrounds.

Avocado Toss
Throw an avocado at the target board featuring characters from the Blackbutt Avocado Festival avocado family – Avo Jo, Avo Flo, Big Hass and Little Pip.